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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to BB2K's Fitness Blog!!

Hello and welcome to "BB2K's Fitness Blog", a blog dedicated to exercising and living a healthy lifestyle.

My name is Matthew Eubanks, I am a 41 year old dad to 3 of the most wonderful children a man could ever ask for. I am dating a very sweet, kind and beautiful woman, Shelly. I have lived in Kansas City, MO. since 1994. I was born and grew up in Rockingham, NC.

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I was bedridden for nearly 2 years. It would take several knee surgeries after which I would progress from a bed to a wheel chair, and from a walker to crutches until I could finally walk on my own. My body was wasting due to the prolonged inactivity and I was paying a miserable price.

After all 4 surgeries, I was told I needed to have Physical Therapy on my leg. It was very painful at first but soon I really started to enjoy lifting. My body responded slowly at first but then I was hooked! Now was the time to get the fat off and get my old butt in shape! The changes came a little at a time but they did come.

I changed my eating habits right away. Nothing crazy or hard at first, but it got strict after about 6 months. With a lot of dedication and consistency, I have made some major changes in my health and appearance. I was very eager to share the "secrets" of my success with others, but the fact is there really are no "secrets". I worked hard for my results, plain and simple.

  • Did I deprive myself? Yes
  • Did I have cravings? Definitely
  • Was it easy? NO
  • Was I miserable at times? Yup
  • Was it worth it? You're damn right!

I would hope that one look at what I have accomplished would be enough to get anyone out of their chair and into a gym. Unfortunately however, most will continue to cling to their old excuses and do nothing at all. But as for me? I am still training and looking better than ever.

Perhaps my story or the information I share with you here on my Blog, will be an inspiration to you!

Here's to a new you!
Matthew Eubanks


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